Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Avatar: the Last Airbender + Legend of Korra

This is pretty much the avatar as a prestige class. It was not designed to actually run around in a world with just benders. I did not post any prerequisites, but the basic requirement is 2nd level spells.

*Just added basic rules of bending before the class in the spoiler*


Class Skills – Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Bending) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History)(Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
Skill Points– 6 + Int Modifier
Hit Die– d6

Deflect Attack, Element, Elemental Chrysalis, Movement
Bonded Companion
Bonus Feat, Element2
Avatar State
Bonus Feat

Bonus Feat
Elemental Apotheosis

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A bender is proficient with all simple weapons, light picks, longswords, short swords, throwing hammers, warfans, and warhammers. Benders are proficient with light armor.
Seeds Known: The first line is the seeds known with the first chosen element; each line after follows the same pattern for next chosen element.
Defense Bonus: While it is possible to take an offensive battle stance, the defensive nature of the bender’s training is key to their survival. Bender’s gain a bonus to their armor class equal to the defense bonus shown above as long as they are wearing no armor.
Caster levels: The bender is still considered to have caster levels, and all bending levels count as caster levels as well, for activating magic items abilities that have [air, earth, fire, or water] descriptors and require a caster to use it. If any item has other powers that do not have any of the previous descriptors, the bender cannot activate those powers. Furthermore, those caster levels count as bender levels for purposes of any powers.
Deflect Attack: Base DC: 5 Early in their training, benders learn to block or deflect attacks directed at them and their companions. Once per round, a bender can attempt to negate a ranged attack (either conventional, magical, or bending) targeted within 10 feet +5 ft/3 class levels. Negating this attack requires the bender succeed in a bending check DC equal to the attack roll of the attacker or the original spell DC + spell level of the spell. If the bender’s roll is less than the DC, the attack is unaffected by the deflection attempt and is resolved as normal. Using this initial Deflect Attack attempt counts as an immediate action.

Additionally, a bender has the option of reserving iterative attacks in order to gain more Deflect Attack attempts. Whenever she makes a full-round attack, a bender may choose to forgo a number of iterative attacks, gaining a number of additional Deflect Attack attempts equal to the number of attacks the bender reserved. Regardless of how many attacks a bender forgoes, she cannot use more Deflect Attack attempts than she has iterative attacks due to high Base Attack Bonus. These subsequent Deflect Bending attempts do not count as actions, and can be used any time during the round, even when it is not the bender's turn.

If a bender is caught flat-footed, she can make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + ½ the attacker’s BAB + the attacker’s Dexterity modifier) to still make a Deflect Attack attempt. A flat-footed bender can never make more than a single Deflect Attack attempt.

For example, an 15th level bender’s Base Attack Bonus allows her to make 3 iterative attacks. If she decides to make a full-round attack, she can reserve as many as 2 of these attacks in order to gain 2 additional Deflect Attack attempts (bringing her total to 3 for that round).

Elemental Chrysalis: the bender becomes one with the spirit of the world and its power over the elements. At first level, the bender may enter an 8 hour meditation state. During this period, the bender goes through a transformation, not necessarily pleasant, which changes the very nature of the bender. The Bender can choose to permanently give up any of his caster levels in order to gain the following bonuses permanently (cumulative per caster level):
+2 hit Points.
+2 Skill Points (must be spent on the bender’s skill class list).
+1 Base attack bonus. This is only applicable for every 5 caster levels given up.
This transformation imbues the character with true cosmic power and knowledge, including that of all previous Avatars (see below). The character can rearrange his previous skill points and feats. These skill points must be spent in the bender class list.
Elements: As the bender gains power, he learns to bend more elements until he can bend them all. At 1st level and every other level until 7th, the bender must choose one element from the following list:
New Class Skill: Airbending.
Air Blast: Base DC: 5, Airbending Ranks 1+.  The first offensive ability an airbender learns is to focus air currents around him into a quick stream, forcefully pushing objects in its path. An Air Blast is a ranged touch attack, and an airbender can use as many Air Blasts in a full-round attack as her base attack bonus allows.

If a creature is struck by an Air Blast, it resolves as a bull rush attempt, with the airbender’s Airbending check opposed by the target’s Strength or Dexterity check (whichever is greater). Additionally, creatures successfully blasted by an Air Blast must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone at the end of the blast. Creatures blasted into a solid object (a wall, large rock, cliff face, or similar massive object) take 1d6 points of nonlethal bludgeoning damage for every 5 class levels the airbender has.

An airbender can affect creatures or objects weighing 10 lbs pet level with her Air Blasts. Weapons hurled by an Air Blast deal their standard damage and do not benefit from bonuses to damage from a high Strength score or weapon-based feats. Hard, dense objects hurled by an Air Blast deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for every 25 pounds of weight. Less dangerous objects deal 1 point of bludgeoning damage for every 25 pounds of weight. The Airbender must succeed on a ranged attack roll to hit a creature with a projectile in this manner.

Body of Air: Airbending Ranks 1+. As an airbender begins to subconsciously manipulate the air around him, his motions become far quicker and easier for him to control, baffling others around him. Alternatively, and airbender can cause small air currents to support his body as if he were far lighter than he actually is. An airbender gains a bending bonus towards any Balance, Climb, Tumble, and Jump checks equal to his bending level.

Wind Shaping: Base DC: 5, Airbending Ranks 6+. With minor effort an Airbender may bend the air around him to create simple, pragmatic effects.
Body Burst: The Airbender may force the air around his body to rush away from him and push small things away. Be they circling insects, dirt and mud on his clothes, or annoying lemurs, the Airbender may make an Airbending check to move things away from him in a 5 foot radius, pushing them 5ft. Creatures of size Tiny or larger may resist with a Strength check opposed by the Airbender's Airbending check, provided they weigh more than one pound.
Hand of Air: A technique of convenience, the Airbender learns to move objects by manipulating the air pressure and wind currents around an object. So long as an object that weighs less than 5lbs is within his bending range, an Airbender may move it anywhere within his bending range. For every 5 by which his Airbending check exceeds the DC, the maximum weight an airbender can manipulate with this ability increases by 5 lbs. Objects shaped so as to catch air (such as an airtight bag) may grant bonuses to this check, and objects specifically designed to be transported in this way halve the DC of Airbending checks used to move them. This object does not travel fast enough to cause damage. This may also be used to simply blow small amounts of air over and around objects, such as to perform minor acts of mischief or to cool hot food.
Dodge: Airbending Ranks 7+. An airbender gains a dodge bonus to AC as a result of his emphasis on defensive motion and combat. Starting at Airbending rank 7 he gains a +1 bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 ranks about 7. He loses this bonus when he wears armor or is carrying more than a light load.
Evasion: Airbending Ranks 8+. An airbender can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the airbender is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless airbender does not gain the benefit of evasion. If the airbender already has the Evasion class ability, he instead gains Improved Evasion.
New Class Skill: Earthbending.
Earth Blast: Base DC: 5, Earthbending Ranks 1+. The first offensive ability an earthbender learns is to levitate the earth beneath her and punch or kick at great speeds towards her opponents. A blast deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage per every 5 bender levels (starting at 1d6 at first level) half damage to objects. A blast is a ranged attack, and an earthbender can use a number of blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks she can make (as determined by her BAB). An earthbender cannot apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by her blasts. An earthbender can only use blasts when there is a source of open earth within her bending range. An earthbender does not requires a line of sight to the target of the blast, and as such can maneuver the blast around a corner or other cover by adding +10 to the earthbending DC, but still suffers penalties for concealment, as appropriate. Because of the strength required to move a stubborn element like earth, an earthbender may apply his Strength modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier to an Earth Blast's attack roll, if she wishes; and she also adds her Strength modifier to damage.

Move a Rock: Base DC: 5, Earthbending Ranks 6+. The most basic of the earthbending seeds, manipulation involves simple movement or shaping of earth or stone.
Movement: The base DC is for moving a 5-foot cube of earth up to 5 ft/round in any direction. Adding another 5-foot cube of earth to a seed increases the Earthbending DC by +4 per cube, and moving the earth an additional 5 feet adds +2 to the DC. This use of the seed is a move action.
Shaping: This seed can also be used to manipulate the basic shape of earth or stone, though it does not allow intricate detail. For example, creating a sculpture of a humanoid is possible, but making one of a specific person is not, and the sculpture comes out rough and bumpy; creating a sculpture of a specific race is also difficult, but telltale features (like an elf’s ears) could give it away. The base DC is for manipulating the shape of a Diminutive mass of earth stone; the Earthbending DC increases by +5 for every size category larger than Diminutive the sculpture is, and this changes to +10 for every size category larger than Large it is. This use of the seed takes one full-round action, plus two more for every size category larger than Diminutive the sculpture is. Shaping stone is essentially cutting away chunks from a block of stone, while shaping earth is actually altering its shape.

Improved Unarmed Strike: Earthbending Ranks 7+. An earthbender gains Improved Unarmed Strike as bonus feat at third level. If he already has the feat, he may choose any bending or monk bonus feat instead.
Stunning Fist: Earthbending Ranks 9+. An earthbender gains Stunning Fist as bonus feat. If he already has the feat, he may choose any bending or monk bonus feat instead.

Earthbending Forms: Most earthbending seeds require a significant amount of earth. Earth is defined as soil, stone, crystal or any other naturally occurring mineral; metal ores works, too; but worked metal requires special training, sand requires special training too. The amount of soil used in bending forms is usually not enough to change the landscape, though using stone does leave noticeable gaps from where it was drawn. Using stone from a stone floor turns the square from where the stone was drawn into rough terrain.
New Class Skill: Firebending.
Child of the Sun:  Firebending Ranks 1+. Firebenders draw much of their power from the sun, the ultimate source of fire. During the day, firebenders gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Firebending checks due to the influence of the sun. Additionally, during the passage of a comet near the planet, Firebenders gain an additional +5 circumstance bonus to Firebending checks. However, the close link between the sun and firebending has its drawbacks. During a solar eclipse, firebenders are unable to use any firebending abilities.

Fire Blast: Base DC: 5, Firebending Ranks 1+. The first ability a Firebender learns is Fire Blast. The Firebender generates fire using the heat inside his body and propels it at great speeds toward his foe using a quick jab with his fist. A blast deals 1d6 damage per every 4 levels (starting at 1d6 at first level) dealing no damage to non-flammable objects and half damage to flammable objects. A blast is a ranged attack, and a firebender can use a number of blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks he can make (as determined by his BAB). A firebender cannot apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by his blasts.

In addition to using his Fire Blasts to attack from range, a firebender can channel his blasts through his unarmed strike, dealing Fire Blast damage in addition to unarmed strike damage for each blow. A firebender must make a successful melee attack in order to channel his Fire Blast.

Play with Fire: Base DC: 5, Firebending Ranks 6+. A firebender learns to finely manipulate fire. He gains the ability to draw fire from any source (including the Firebender’s own body heat) within his bending range, alter its basic shape, move it around at a rate of 5 feet/round, and hold it in his hands. Firebenders can warm their tea, create balls of fire to act as torches, or start campfires using this ability. Moving the fire an additional 5 feet adds +2 to the Firebending DC. Fire moved using this seed deals damage per round depending on its source; for example, natural fire deals 1d6 damage, and fire produced by the firebender’s body deals damage equal to his Fire Blast.

Firestorm: Firebending Ranks 9+.  Of all the bending disciplines, firebending is the most offensive, truly embodying the belief that the best defense is a good offense. Beginning at 6th level, whenever a firebender spends a full round attacking, he may make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. The extra attack may not be used in a Deflect Bending attempt, and the firebender must make at least two attacks in a turn in order to use this ability. When using a Firestorm, the firebender takes a -2 penalty to all attacks made that round.
New Class Skill: Waterbending.
Child of the Moon: Waterbending Ranks 1+. Waterbenders draw much of their power from the moon. During the night, waterbenders gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Waterbending checks due to the influence of the moon. Additionally, during a full moon, Waterbenders gain an additional +5 circumstance bonus to Waterbending checks. However, the close link between the moon and Waterbending has its drawbacks. During a lunar eclipse, waterbenders are unable to use any waterbending abilities.

Water Blast: Base DC: 5, Waterbending Ranks 1+. The first offensive ability a waterbender learns is to concentrate water into a large bubble in her hands and blast it at great speeds towards her foe. A blast deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 6 bending levels (with a 1d6 at first level). A blast is a ranged attack, and a waterbender can use a number of blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks she can make (as determined by her BAB). A waterbender cannot apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by her blasts. A waterbender can only use blasts when there is a source of open water within her bending range. A waterbender does not requires a line of sight to the target of the blast, and as such can maneuver the blast around a corner or other cover by adding +10 to the Waterbending DC, but still suffers penalties for concealment, as appropriate. Using a Water Blast takes at least one pint of water (one eighth that contained within the average waterskin.

Manipulate: Base DC: 5, Waterbending 6+. The most basic of the waterbending seeds, manipulation involves simple movement or shaping of the three seeds of water (liquid, ice, mist).
Movement: The base DC is for moving a 5-foot cube of water up to 5 ft/round in any direction. Adding another 5-foot cube of water to a seed increases the Waterbending DC by +4 per cube, and moving the water an additional 5 feet adds +2 to the DC. This use of the seed is a move action. A waterbender can manipulate water she can't see but knows is there by adding +10 to the Waterbending DC.
Shaping: This seed can also be used to manipulate the basic shape of water or ice (not mist), though it does not allow intricate detail. For example, creating an sculpture of a humanoid is possible, but making one of a specific person is not, and the sculpture comes out rough and bumpy; creating a sculpture of a specific race is also difficult, but telltale features (like an elf’s ears) could give it away. The base DC is for manipulating the shape of a Diminutive mass of water or ice; the save DC increases by +5 for every size category larger than Diminutive the sculpture is, and this changes to +10 for every size category larger than Large it is. This use of the seed takes one full-round action, plus two more for every size category larger than Diminutive the sculpture is. Shaping ice is essentially cutting away chunks from a block of ice, while shaping water is actually altering its shape.

Freeze/Melt: Base DC: 5, Waterbending Ranks 6+. Another basic seed, this includes the ability to change the temperature and state of water.
Chill: A waterbender may lower the temperature of one 5-foot cube of liquid water to make it icy cold as a standard action. By doing this to the source, water used in any other seed can deal an additional 1d4 cold. This seed can even be used to make ice so cold it burns. Each additional five-foot cube adds +4 to the Waterbending DC, changing water already of an extreme temperature (a volcanic spring, for example) adds +5 to the DC, and decreasing the bending time to a move action increases the DC by +15. Further increasing the bending time to a swift action increases the base DC by +25.
Change Phase: A waterbender can also freeze or melt a 5-foot cube of water as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Each additional 5-foot cube adds +4 to the Waterbending DC and going straight from ice to vapor adds +10 to the DC, decreasing the bending time to a move action increases the DC by +5, and decreasing the bending time to a swift action adds +15 to the DC. For ease of reference, ice has hardness of 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness.

Circular Attack: Waterbending Ranks 13+. A waterbender can redirect her enemies’ attacks, using the enemy’s own energy to retaliate against her. Once per round, when the waterbender successfully deflects a bending or ranged attack she may make a Reflex Save opposed to the opponent’s attack roll. If the Waterbender matches or exceeds the opponent’s attack roll, she is able to bring the deflecting water round in a circle, absorbing the enemy’s energy and immediately making an additional Water Blast attack at that enemy at her full base attack bonus. The waterbender cannot choose to forgo this attack in order to gain an additional Deflect Bending attempt.

Waterbending Forms: Most waterbending seeds require a significant amount of water (i.e., more than is contained in the average water skin). As such, many seeds can only be done near a source of water or in an extremely humid environment, such as a rainforest. Small quantities of water can also be drawn damp earth or other such surfaces using the Manipulate special ability. Note that, in cases where a large source of water is needed, the water must be wherever the form is actually taking place, and not at the bender herself. If there is no source of water within 5 feet of the waterbender, a bending form must combine the form with the Manipulate seed to get it there. When using Manipulate in this way, a bender need not add the usual +4 to the Waterbending DC for combining seeds.
Maintaining Water: Oftentimes, it can be vital for a waterbender to gauge the amount of water she uses, as she has a limited amount. In order to maintain control of water used in a technique and not allow it to fall to the ground and require a use of Manipulate to recover, a waterbender must make a Concentration check equal to the form's total Waterbending DC – 10 as part of the use of the form.
Bonded Companion: The bender, in his role as the physical representation of the world, gains an animal companion. The bender’s caster levels are equal to his druid levels to determine the creature’s bonuses, with the following exceptions; the creature can be of any size, as long as it has the animal subtype. The creature gains 3d6 Intelligence, +1d6 Wisdom, and +2d6 Charisma. The link with the creature is an empathic bond. The creature does not gain the share spells ability.
Bonus Feats: Starting at 3rd level and every 3 levels, a bender gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, she can choose a bender feat or a feat that applies directly to her bending abilities (i.e. weapon focus, etc). The bender must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat.
Avatar State (Su): When in situations of extreme duress and in life threatening situations where escape is almost impossible, a special defensive ability known as the Avatar State is awakened in the Avatar. Situations of extreme stress include: whenever the Avatar is reduced to 20% or less hit points, situations where the Avatar is subjected to fear, emotion, rage, or similar effects, or emotional influences (such as extreme hurt, anger, sadness, or loss). Entering into the Avatar state requires 1 full round as the energies build within the Avatar. While in the Avatar State, the Avatar is a being of thoughtless emotion and generally reacts to the situation with whatever emotional state they felt upon entering. This state decides what actions are taken in the Avatar State, such as if the Avatar is injured by someone, he will focus his attacks on the attacker, or if someone has kidnapped his friend, he will go to rescue his friend and woe to any in his way. While in the Avatar State, the Avatar’s power increases exponentially as he unlocks the knowledge and power of all previous incarnations of the Avatar. The Avatar’s overall bending level increases by 10 in each bending discipline (including ones he does not currently know) and he gains a +25 insight modifier to all bending skill checks he makes (if the Avatar does not currently know one or more of the other bending disciplines, he uses a straight 25 as his skill and can use it untrained). Additionally, the Avatar may access the compiled knowledge of all of his previous incarnations and utilize any bending seed. The Avatar may also safely overbend an amount of Constitution damage equal to twice his character level with no penalty. When the Avatar comes out of the Avatar state he resumes his normal status. If he overbends, then he is fatigued (or if overbending until Unconsciousness or Death he is then unconscious and exhausted.) The Avatar State lasts for a number of minutes equal to the Avatar’s character level. Using the Avatar State is a very dangerous gamble, because if the Avatar is dropped to -1 or less he must roll a Fortitude save or he will be unconscious for as many hours as rounds he was in the avatar state. 
The bender can learn to control how and when to enter the avatar state; this is not an easy process that the DM will choose. Examples include training with a guru, a rite of growth, etc. If the bender enters the avatar state unwillingly on a regular basis, this may also be a way the bender may learn to control it.
If the bender does not want to enter the Avatar state and it is initiated unwillingly (from damage, or emotional effects, etc) he may roll a Will save DC 20 to avoid entering it. This save may be modified by the DM, i.e. if a friend dies in front of the bender, he receives a -5 to the will save.
Movement: Most elements the bender master's grants him or her a mode of movement, granting a base speed of 25ft + 5ft per level.
Air: Flight with glider. Earth: Climb. Water: Slide.
Elemental Apotheosis: The fully realized Avatar has reached the pinnacle of his innate powers.
+2 to any two ability scores (cannot be the same)
+4 permanent bonus to his bending skills
Avatar State: The bender’s experience and ordeals have taught him how to truly control the Avatar State. If the bender cannot control his Avatar State before this level, he gains full control of it from now on.
All bending skills are class skills no matter what class levels he may gain from now on. If he gains any caster levels to the class which he originally traded during his Elemental Chrysalis he does not gain the actual spellcasting abilities, but rather gains the original 3 bonuses from the Elemental Chrysalis. He also continues to gain seeds known following a logical progression of the chart. Furthermore, any bonus feats gained from any other class may also be picked from any bender feat.





