Saturday, June 14, 2014

Healing Feats

On this post I will be writing a collection of feats to make healing a more interesting option, rather than sub par and worthless to specialize in. 

Inner Font 
You infuse your life essence into your energy bursts.
Prerequisites: Channel Positive Energy Class feature, Caster level 3. 
Benefit: Increase the die size of your Channel Energy Class feature by one step. 

Regenerative Healing
Your powerful magics can leave a residual healing effect for a few seconds. 
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level Conjuration (healing) spells or a level equivalent Spell-like or Sp ability.
Benefit: Whenever you heal someone with a spell, spell like, or supernatural ability, any extra hit points above the target's maximum can become a regeneration effect up to your wisdom modifier that lasts until the extra hit points are used up or your Cha Modifier worth of round has passed, whichever happens first. 
Special: if you have more than one feat that uses extra hit points, you choose how you wish to divide them at the time of casting. Extra hit points that are not allocated at this time dissipate harmlessly into the air as light glow. 

Increased Vitality
Your healing magics actually make a body capable of taking more damage when its completely healed.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd level Conjuration (healing) spells or a level equivalent Spell-like or Sp ability.
Benefit: Whenever you heal someone with a spell, spell like, or supernatural ability, any extra hit points above the target's maximum are gained as temporary hit points by the target that fade after your level worth of rounds.
Special: if you have more than one feat that uses extra hit points, you choose how you wish to divide them at the time of casting. Extra hit points that are not allocated at this time dissipate harmlessly into the air as light glow. 

Violent Healing
The extra energy generated by your healing spells can be redirected toward's an enemy. 
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level Conjuration (healing) spells or a level equivalent Spell-like or Sp ability.
Benefit: Whenever you heal someone with a spell, spell like, or supernatural ability, any extra hit points above the target's maximum can be divided between a bonus to attack and damage for their next attack, these circumstantial bonuses last until the beginning of the next round or until used up, whichever happens first. 
Special: if you have more than one feat that uses extra hit points, you choose how you wish to divide them at the time of casting. Extra hit points that are not allocated at this time dissipate harmlessly into the air as light glow. 

Wisdom of the Light
When you heal someone, you also imbue them with the fighting prowess of your divine patron.
Prerequisite: Inner Font feat, Ability to cast 3rd level spells or a level equivalent Spell-like or Sp ability.
Benefit: Whenever you heal someone with a spell, spell like, or supernatural ability, for every 5 hit points above the target's maximum, your target gains a +1 bonus to attacks for your Wisdom mod worth of rounds. 
Special: These hit points are not spent; the feat simply takes into account how many hit points over the target's limit you rolled to determine the bonus granted. 

Mend the body and mind
Prerequisite: Inner Font feat, Ability to cast 4th level spells. 
Benefit: You may heal one target with an expenditure of Channel Energy for your normal Channel Energy amount. This target also heals Ability damage equal to 1d6 for each Ability.

Bachelor of Medicine
You have mastered all the basic techniques of the healing profession.
Prerequisite: Heal skill 3+ Ranks.
Benefit: Whenever you roll a heal skill check, any time required for the treatment is halved. Any recovery time is halved as well. Any penalties you receive for lacking healing kits are reduced by 1. 
First Aid: For every point you roll above the dc 15 check on First Aid checks, you heal your patient for 1 hit point, up to a maximum of 0. 
Long Term Care: You can take care of twice as many patients under Long Term Care; you also quadruple their healing rate. 
Treat Deadly Wounds: You use the creature's level or your level, whichever is better, to determine restored hit points. A creature can benefit from your treatments twice per day as long as you,or another Bachelor of Medicine, perform the treatments each time. 
Treat Poison: You grant a +8 competence bonus to his saving throws against poison.
Treat Disease: You grant a +8 competence bonus to his saving throws against disease.

Masters of Medicine
You have delved deeper into the mysteries of the healing arts, going far and wide for knowledge only held by few. 
Prerequisite: Heal skill 6+ Ranks, Bachelor of Medicine
Recharge Healer's Kit: You can spend an hour looking to replenish your healers kit from any environment that is not barren. A heal check, dc 15 for lush environments, 20 for normal environments, 25+ for harsh environments, determines if you find enough for a use of the kit. Spring lowers the DC by 5, and Winter increases it by 5. Every 5 points rolled above the dc grants another use. You can also do this action as part of extended movements.
Treat Conditions I: as a full round action, you can treat a patient who is under the effects of: Bleed, Confused, Cowering, Dazed, Dazzled, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Nauseated, Panicked, Shaken, Sickened, or Staggered.Your check requires a DC 20+1 per round of the effect or the DC of the effect that created it, whichever is higher. If you succeed you remove the effect before it has a chance to take full hold.

Doctorate of Medicine
As an elite member of the medical fields, you know how to use every moment with patients to better their health. 
Prerequisite: Heal skill 9+ Ranks, Master of Medicine
Benefit: Whenever you roll a heal skill check for any reason, any points over the dc for the check is how many hit points they regain as well. If your patient already is receiving hit points for any points above the dc on the skill check, they do not stack, use the better one. 
Treat Conditions II: as a full round action, you can treat a patient who is under the effects of: Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Stunned. Your check requires a DC 25+1 per round of the effect or the DC of the effect that created it, whichever is higher.
Treat Ability Damage: You can quickly treat Ability Damage within 2 rounds of it being dealt. The DC is equal to 15+2 for every point of Ability damage. Each point above the DC cures it by 1.  

Authority of Medicine
As a legend in your field, you are sought for knowledge that is considered lost or to have never existed at all. When no treatments exist, people from many lands seek your counsel. Your hands, tools, and medicines literately do what anyone else requires magic to do.
Prerequisite: Heal skill 12+ Ranks, Doctorate of Medicine
Healing Master's Administrations: As a full round action and the expenditure of 2 uses of your healer's kit, you duplicate the effects of a Conjuration (Healing) Spell. The DC is equal to 20+5 for each level of spell being duplicated. Anyone affected by this ability cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours. 

Skilled Healer
Your knowledge of the body allows you to move the healing power directly to the place where it is needed most. 
Prerequisite: Heal skill 6+ Ranks, Bachelor of medicine, Ability to cast 4th level spells.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a Conjuration (healing) spell, you may also roll a Heal skill check, using your medical knowledge to direct your healing power where it is most needed. For every 2 points above a dc 15+spell level check, your spell heals 1 more point.

Feedback Loop
Any healing power above the necessary for the injured is returned back to you, healing you as well. 
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level Conjuration (healing) spells or a level equivalent Spell-like or Sp ability. 
Benefit: Whenever you heal someone with a spell, spell like, or supernatural ability, any extra hit points above the target's maximum can be heal you back at the cost of 2 hit points for every 1 hit point you regain.
Special: if you have more than one feat that uses extra hit points, you choose how you wish to divide them at the time of casting. Extra hit points that are not allocated at this time dissipate harmlessly into the air as light glow.

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