Friday, October 26, 2012

The Protector


There are many roles to fill in life, and to the protector, his role is all about others. Regardless if he chooses a darker path, or if it's all about enhancing his comrades, the protector functions best when surrounded by allies to gain the advantages he has to offer.

Some Protector use dark energies on their enemies turning their sudden painful inflictions into strength for their allies, while others create magical fields around their friends, making them nigh invulnerable, but all share the natural ability of making their allies potentially more deadly. In fact, for many protector, their powerful enhancements only work on others, not themselves. It is that reason some protector eventually call upon their own allies, making them less defenseless.

Protectors spend much of their time traveling the world, aiding any who philosophically share their views, or perhaps employers who want to raise their survivability. They learn how to move in all kinds of situations from traveling so much; as much physically as socially. It is not uncommon for a Protector to speak many languages, including obscure, or dead ones. Those who stick to the job usually become fantastic tacticians, full of  insight into all kinds of ways to take all manner of creatures down. The Protector is not necessarily a leader, but a combat conductor, who sees all and points his allies towards the best solutions.

Most who take this path ultimately become a strong support for those they aid; their biggest strength is the faith they have in those who are next to them.

Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8.
Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Class skills
The protector’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All, Taken individually) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Reflex Save
Will Save
Enhance Movement: Land speed, Reinforcements, Sanctuary
Battleground Specialization
Combatlink, Enhance Movement: Swim speed
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink: Lifesigns, Enhance Movement: Burrow speed, Know thy Enemy
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink: Empathy, Commands, Command: Move action
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink: Telepathy, Enhance Movement: Fly speed
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink Trick, Command: Standard action
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink Trick, Command: Full round action
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink Trick, Enhance Movement: Movement speeds
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink Trick, Command: Personal boost
Battleground Abilities
Combatlink Trick, Command: Price reduction
Grand Specialization

Spells Per Day


Class Features
The following are the class features of the Protector.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Protector is proficient with all simple weapons. A Protector is also proficient with light armor as well as shields, but not tower shields.


A Protector casts divine spells drawn from the Protector spell list. A Protector must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time. A protector draws this power from his faith in the group he serves, not usually any divine entity.

Enhance Movement (Sp)

The first ability a protector learns is to enhance his speed and that of his allies. The group is only as fast as the slowest member after all.

Enhance Movement powers are a standard action to use. They can be used at Medium range (100 ft +10ft. per level), and last 10 minutes per protector level if enhancing a type of movement, or 1 minute per protector level if granting a type of movement. A protector may use this ability once per day per protector level.

Reinforcements (Sp)

As someone who is dedicated to his group, Protectors specialize in the ability to call reinforcements. Once per day plus one for every five levels (6th, 11th, 16th) thereafter, a protector may call a creature as if he had cast either Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally, as the equivalent of a wizard or druid of his level. As the Protector increases in power, so does the creatures he may call with this ability.

For example, a 5th level Protector can use this ability once per day to either use Summon Monster III as a 5th level wizard or Summon Nature's Ally III as a 5th level druid. He can also choose to use it as a lower level spell if he so desires.

Sanctuary (Su)

Protectors are constantly under a Sanctuary effect with a Saving Throw DC bonus equal to his level. If at any point the effect is broken by the Protector by attacking, the effect ends until the Protector has rested and studied. Otherwise the Protector can reactivate it as a standard action.

Battleground Specialization (Su)

While every Protector share Commands, each Protector chooses to walk a different path and use different tactics through their choice of Battleground Specialization. Some learn to use negative energy to hinder foes and help allies, while others call upon the power of the weather to see them through battles.
Most battleground specializations require specific actions from the protector in his every day life. If for any reason they cannot fulfill these actions, they lose the ability to use their battleground specializations until they are taken care of.

A protector chooses one Battleground Specialization at 2nd level, gaining its first power, and gaining each sub sequential power every two levels thereafter.

A protector can use these powers for a total number of rounds per day equal to his level + his int modifier; these rounds are known as battleground points (shorthand BP). Unless otherwise stated, any area of effects have a 30 ft. range/radius.

All Battleground specialization abilities are based on Intelligence, and if they require a DC it is equal to 10 + ½ protector level + intelligence modifier (round down). All of these abilities are a standard action that can be channeled; a protector decides whether he will continue to use an ability round after round (channeling), unless a specific ability says otherwise. Channeling an ability is a move action, unless otherwise stated. Channeling and ability costs one battleground point for every two rounds, unless otherwise stated. You may only channel one ability at a time.

Any abilities the protector channels may be interrupted, requiring a concentration check (dc = 10 + damage taken). Any effects from battleground specialization, unless otherwise stated, have lasting effects for Int modifier in rounds after the protector uses them or stops channeling them. Entering an area of effect from a protector ability that was previously exited will reset the timer on any already under the effects.
Every Battleground Specialization also grants spells that the protector can add to his or her spell list (see spells).
All battleground specialization abilities are considered Supernatural (Su) abilities.

Battleground Specializations (Su)

Compassionate Mercy: those who walk this path are battlefield medics first and foremost. All of their battleground specialization centers on the ability to help their harmed comrades and bring them back battle hardened, ready to defeat the opposition. Most of their abilities are powered from an inner font the protector has. This font is filled through a link to the positive energy plane, which infuses the protector as he goes about his life. In fact, protector of Compassionate Mercy must have prepared one healing spell of every spell level they can prepare each day.

Dynamic fortitude: There is energy everywhere, in many different forms, and to this protector, manipulating it and changing it to his needs is what he ultimately seeks. You learn to move the energies within bodies, as well as those that surround us. You are the ultimate controller, directing all energies against foes and enhancing the ones your allies already have. All dynamic fortitude protector must eat constantly, at least every two hours if its regular food, as the energies they constantly shift include their own, or they become fatigued. Once fatigued, after resting the protector must eat within four hours or become exhausted. Even a ring of sustenance on a Dynamic fortitude protector is not enough: he will still need to eat as a normal person while wearing one.

Fetid ebbing: The powers of the negative energy plane flow freely through you. This grants you the ability to drain your enemies of their strengths while granting it back to your allies. Protectors who walk this path are usually dark, considering the path to victory lies in the ability to weaken foes by unleashing the power of the negative energy plane upon them. While Fetid Ebbing protector are not necessarily evil themselves, they do draw some power from it. Good creatures will normally not come to the call of a Fetid ebbing protector, and therefore summon spells cast by this protector do not call any.

Force shields: when you walk in the shoes of a force shield protector, you are a proactive member of your entourage, placing fields of protective energy around those in your care. You reduce the ability to hurt them from all different forms of damage, eventually making them almost impossible to harm. Note that you cannot stack the same powers on a target, however, another protector of the same battleground specialization can place his own shields on the target, which will stack. Unless otherwise specified, all your shields have a 30 ft. radius, regardless of what the source of the area of effect is. Your Force Shield abilities last extra rounds equal to half your protector level.

Heated Halo: Learning to harness the power of heat, both the one granted by the life giving sun as well as the destructive force of a volcano, this protector inflicts all kinds of effects upon those who stand against her friends. She manipulates heat, draining it or increasing it, both around herself and in specific subjects. This allows the protector to enhance her allies or burden her foes. Note that resistance or immunity to fire does not actually protect any targets from effects from this battleground specialization (unless it specifies fire damage), but does grant them an automatic +4 bonus to any saves against them. Heated halo protectors receive a -4 to saves versus cold effects their bodies finding it anathema to their existance.

Storm soul: You've yearned your whole life to be amidst the chaos of storm and tempest; to taste the raw power of wind and water. The thought of flying into a cyclone, or swimming in a tsunami is what you would call a good afternoon. To your enemies however, the power of weather is nothing to trust or desire, for you will unleash its devastating fury upon them. This connection to the storm has changed you; you do not heal normally. Instead lightning damage automatically deals you half damage before any other effects are applied. While in stormy conditions or worse, or when the weather is actively changed by you (including many of your storm soul powers) or an ally, you gain regeneration equal to half your level (minimum 1). If you are bellow a quarter of your hit points,  it energizes you, granting you an extra standard action at your next turn. On the other hand, positive energy heals you for only a quarter of its normal amount. You can choose to be immune to any effects that you call upon from this battleground specialization.

Combatlink (Su)

A strong defining ability that makes a protector the center of knowledge among the group. Because of this power, protectors begin to act as a "spider brain"; they link with others, creating invisible connections amongst all. These connections cannot cross planar boundaries. A protector decides who is part of this combatlink every morning, and may include his Intelligence modifier worth of people into the link, plus one for every five levels he has. This is part of the protector's  morning ritual; nothing is required on the part of others beyond their general presence. Any who are part of the combatlink are immune to abilities generated by the protector, at the protector's discretion.

The ability is a constant emanation from the protector, who is always in the center of the area of effect. Any connected may enter and exit the area without penalty, but do not receive any information about others nor grants them any. I.e. if you are too far from the protector, you cannot be sensed.

Note that any information the Combatlink grants is received by all, not just the protector.

Combatlink Tricks (Su)

At 11th level, and every two levels thereafter, a protector can choose one of the "Combatlink Tricks" which affects his combatlink or is used through it.

Know thy enemy (Ex)

Protectors, in their quest to know everything about their enemies, have become rather well informed. Protectors add half their level as a bonus to any knowledge checks, but only when it's to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. A protector must have at least one rank in the knowledge used to gain this bonus.

Commands (Ex)

The Protector is in constant vigilance in the midst of combat. Most protector learn very early to see everything around them; their senses are at their most powerful when they are surrounded by friend and foe, ever ready to action. This ability grants them the use of one extra immediate action per round.

This grants them the ability to direct others, and assist them in combat beyond granting them extra movement. The protector uses "Command charges" to do so. Every day he has enough Command charges equal to his levels of Protector plus his Int modifier.

Commands are used as an immediate action. Commands have a reach of close range. No target can receive the benefit of a Command more than once per round.

Grand specialization (Su)

As a master tactician, a protector has learned how to maximize his abilities. Once per day, he can choose (when this ability is activated) to enhance his battleground specializations for a full combat in one of the following ways:

- Double the numerical bonus or penalty of an ability.
- Double the duration of an ability. Cannot be applied to instantaneous effects.
- Double the amount of targets of the ability.
- Double the area of effect of an ability.

Activating this ability is part of the action which it enhances.

Protector spell list

O level protector spells

Create water
Detect magic
Detect poison
Know direction
Purify food and drink
Read magic

1st level protector spells

Bless weapon
Comprehend languages
Cure light wounds
Divine favor
Endure elements
Enlarge person
Entropic shield
Expeditious retreat
Feather fall
Mage armor
Magic fang
Magic weapon
Pass without trace
Protection from chaos/evil/good/law
Reduce person
Remove fear
Shield of faith
Summon monster I

2nd level protector spells

Align weapon
Alter self
Bear's endurance
Bull's strength
Cat's grace
Cure moderate wounds
Delay poison
Eagle's splendor
Fox's cunning
Make whole
Owl's wisdom
Protection from arrows
Remove paralysis
Resist energy
Restoration, lesser
Rope trick
Shield other
Spider climb
Summon monster II
Undetectable alignment

3rd level protector spells

Arcane sight
Beast shape I
Create food and water
Cure serious wounds
Dispel magic
Flame arrow
Good hope
Helping hand
Invisibility purge
Invisibility sphere
Keen edge
Magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law
Magic vestment
Magic weapon, greater
Neutralize poison
Protection from energy
Remove blindness/deafness
Remove curse
Remove disease
Summon monster III
Tiny hut
Water breathing
Water walk

4th level protector spells

Air walk
Beast shape II
Cure critical wounds
Death ward
Detect scrying
Divine Power
Elemental Body I
Enlarge Person, Mass
Freedom of movement
Globe of invulnerability, lesser
Imbue with Spell Ability
Invisibility, greater
Magic fang, greater
Planar ally, lesser
Reduce person, mass
Secure shelter
Spell immunity
Summon monster IV

5th level protector spells

Animal growth
Beast shape III
Break enchantment
Breath of life
Cure light wounds, mass
Disrupt weapon
Elemental Body II
Heroism, greater
Mage's faithful hound
Mage's private sanctum
Overland Flight
Plant Shape I
Raise dead
Righteous Might
Spell resistance
Summon monster V
Telepathic bond

6th level protector spells

Bear's endurance, mass
Beast shape IV
Bull's strength, mass
Cat's grace, mass
Cure moderate wounds, mass
Dispel magic, greater
Eagle's splendor, mass
Elemental body III
Flesh to stone
Forceful hand
Form of the dragon
Fox's cunning, mass
Globe of invulnerability
Guards and wards
Heroes' feast
Holy sword
Owl's wisdom, mass
Plant shape II
Summon monster VI
True seeing
Wind walk


Extra Enhancements
Prerequisites: Enhance Movement class feature
Benefit: You can Enhance Movement an extra 2 times per day.
Special: You can gain Extra Enhancements multiple times. its effects stack.

Extra battleground points
Prerequisites: Battleground specialization class feature
Benefit: Your battleground points pool increases by 4.
Special: You can gain Extra battleground points multiple times. Its effects stack.

Extra Trick
prerequisites: Combatlink class feature, protector level 11+
Benefit: You gain a new Combatlink trick.
Special: You can gain extra Trick multiple times. Its effects stack.

Extra Commands Charges
prerequisites: Command class feature
Benefit: You gain two more Command Charges per day.
Special. You can gain Extra Command Charges multiple times. Its effects stack.

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