There are many roles to fill
in life, and to the Protector, his role is all about others. Regardless if he
chooses a darker path, or if it's all about enhancing his comrades, the
protector functions best when surrounded by allies to gain the advantages he
has to offer.
Some Protector use dark
energies on their enemies turning their sudden painful inflictions into
strength for their allies, while others create magical fields around their
friends, making them nigh invulnerable, but all share the natural ability of
making their allies potentially more deadly. In fact, for many protector, their
powerful enhancements only work on others, not themselves. It is that reason
some protector eventually call upon their own allies, making them less defenseless.
Protectors spend much of
their time traveling the world, aiding any who philosophically share their
views, or perhaps employers who want to raise their survivability. They learn
how to move in all kinds of situations from traveling so much; as much
physically as socially. It is not uncommon for a Protector to speak many
languages, including obscure, or dead ones. Those who stick to the job usually
become fantastic tacticians, full of
insight into all kinds of ways to take all manner of creatures down. The
Protector is not necessarily a leader, but a combat conductor, who sees all and
points his allies towards the best solutions.
Most who take this path
ultimately become a strong support for those they aid; their biggest strength
is the faith they have in those who are next to them.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8.
Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp
(average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth
10 gp or less.
Class skills
The protector’s class skills
are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal
(Wis), Knowledge (All, Taken individually) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception
(Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int),
Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Attack Bonus
Movement: Land speed
Enhance Movement: Swim speed
Combatlink: Lifesigns, Enhance Movement:
Burrow speed
Empathy, Commands, Command: Move action
Telepathy, Enhance Movement: Fly speed
Trick, Command: Standard action
Trick, Command: Full round action
Trick, Enhance Movement: Movement speeds
Trick, Command: Personal boost
Trick, Command: Price reduction
Class Features
The following are the class
features of the Protector.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: A Protector is proficient with all simple weapons. A Protector is
also proficient with light armor and Medium armor, as well as shields.
A Protector casts divine
spells drawn from the Protector spell list. A Protector must choose and prepare
his spells ahead of time. A
protector draws this power from his faith in the group he serves, not usually
any divine entity.
To learn, prepare, or cast a
spell, the Protector must have an Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the
spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Protector’s
spell is 10 + the spell level + the Protector’s Charisma modifier. A protector
gains bonus spells from charisma.
A Protector may know any
number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by
getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his tacticsbook. While
studying, the Protector decides which spells to prepare.
Any spells with the range of
personal cast by a protector change to touch range instead. The protector
cannot cast any spells on themselves unless they are purely defensive,
ultimately as defined by the DM. Should a protector cast a spell on himself and
use it in an offensive manner, the spell immediately ends. (Rule of thumb: If
it increases AC, Saving Throws, Hit Points, or helps the protector to avoid
injury, it is most likely defensive. If the spell's ability to defend is based
on harming opponents, such as Crushing
Hand it is considered
offensive. Some spells must be judged on a casting to casting basis: Using a Beast Shape to turn into a rat and hide or be
harder to hit is defensive as well as turning into a bear for a boost to HP, AC
and DR. But turning into a bear to maul someone or a rat to disease them is not
defensive, and ends the spell immediately after the first offensive action) The
protector's job is to increase his survivability while empowering his allies.
Most transmutation spells he can cast he cannot target himself with, for
example. The only exception to this rule is when the Protector is without allies.
A Protector can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level
spells, each day, as noted on Table: Protector under “Spells per Day.” These
spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and
may be used again.
A Protector must study his tacticsbook each day to prepare his spells. This book is a personal journal of experiences, training, battles fought, and notes on his battleground specialization, usually written in some type of shorthand or code. Preparing his spells take one hour of study.
At the end of this hour, the protector also chooses a bonus granted by the book, which is active until he studies his tacticsbook again. His choices are: +1 insight bonus to armor class, +1 insight bonus to a saving throw of his choice, or +1 insight bonus to skills. If at any point the Protector is separated from his tacticsbook, he loses his bonus until he has a chance to study again.
He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his tacticsbook except for read magic, which all protectors can prepare from memory. A Protector begins play with a tacticsbook containing all 0-level Protector spells plus three 1st-level Protector spells of his choice. The Protector also selects a number of additional 1st-level Protector spells equal to his charisma modifier to add to his tacticsbook. At each new Protector level, he gains a new Protector spell of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new Protector level) for his tacticsbook. At any time, a Protector can also add spells found in other tacticsbooks to his own.
A Protector can learn spells from a wizard’s spellbook, just as a wizard can from a Protector’s tacticsbook. The spells learned must be on the Protector spell list, as normal. An alchemist can learn formulae from a Protector’s tacticsbook, if the spells are also on the alchemist spell list. A Protector can learn spells directly from any caster that takes the time, 2 hours per spell level, to instruct the Protector on the proper use and potential exploitation of a spell, adding it to his tacticsbook. This costs the same as scribing a spell in a spellbook. Spells from other sources (other than the Corebook) are also available as long as the follow the same guidelines as the ones for the Protector Spell list, and as always, ultimately determined by the GM.
A Protector also gains spells from his battleground specialization, since they perform a certain amount of spell research between adventures in their fields of study. Each time a character attains a new protector level, he gains one spell of his choice to add to his tacticsbook from his battleground specialization spell list. The free spell must be of a spell level he can cast.
A Protector must study his tacticsbook each day to prepare his spells. This book is a personal journal of experiences, training, battles fought, and notes on his battleground specialization, usually written in some type of shorthand or code. Preparing his spells take one hour of study.
At the end of this hour, the protector also chooses a bonus granted by the book, which is active until he studies his tacticsbook again. His choices are: +1 insight bonus to armor class, +1 insight bonus to a saving throw of his choice, or +1 insight bonus to skills. If at any point the Protector is separated from his tacticsbook, he loses his bonus until he has a chance to study again.
He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his tacticsbook except for read magic, which all protectors can prepare from memory. A Protector begins play with a tacticsbook containing all 0-level Protector spells plus three 1st-level Protector spells of his choice. The Protector also selects a number of additional 1st-level Protector spells equal to his charisma modifier to add to his tacticsbook. At each new Protector level, he gains a new Protector spell of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new Protector level) for his tacticsbook. At any time, a Protector can also add spells found in other tacticsbooks to his own.
A Protector can learn spells from a wizard’s spellbook, just as a wizard can from a Protector’s tacticsbook. The spells learned must be on the Protector spell list, as normal. An alchemist can learn formulae from a Protector’s tacticsbook, if the spells are also on the alchemist spell list. A Protector can learn spells directly from any caster that takes the time, 2 hours per spell level, to instruct the Protector on the proper use and potential exploitation of a spell, adding it to his tacticsbook. This costs the same as scribing a spell in a spellbook. Spells from other sources (other than the Corebook) are also available as long as the follow the same guidelines as the ones for the Protector Spell list, and as always, ultimately determined by the GM.
A Protector also gains spells from his battleground specialization, since they perform a certain amount of spell research between adventures in their fields of study. Each time a character attains a new protector level, he gains one spell of his choice to add to his tacticsbook from his battleground specialization spell list. The free spell must be of a spell level he can cast.
A Protector who falls from
the path of his allies by multiclassing loses all Supernatural abilities
(Enhance Movement, Combatlink) permanently without
divine intervention or very powerful magics. While he retains his capacity for casting
spells, he loses all benefits and restrictions upon them not found on other
casters (personal spells are now just personal, he may cast spells for
offensive purposes), as well as any tacticsbook bonuses he previously had.
Enhance Movement (Sp)
The first ability a protector learns is to enhance his speed
and that of his allies. The group is only as fast as the slowest member after
Enhance Movement powers are a standard action to use. They can be used at Medium range (100 ft +10 ft. per level), and last 10 minutes per protector level if enhancing a type of movement, or 1 minute per protector level if granting a type of movement. A protector may use this ability once per day per protector level + Charisma modifier.
Enhance Movement powers are a standard action to use. They can be used at Medium range (100 ft +10 ft. per level), and last 10 minutes per protector level if enhancing a type of movement, or 1 minute per protector level if granting a type of movement. A protector may use this ability once per day per protector level + Charisma modifier.
1st level a protector may grant one target an increase to their land movement
by 5 ft. for every protector level, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not
have a land speed, he gains one.
At 3rd level he may choose to grant an increase to swim speed of 10 ft. + 5 ft. for every two protector levels, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not have a swim speed, he gains one. This includes a +8 bonus to swim checks.
At 5th level he may choose to grant an increase to burrow speed of 10 ft. + 5 ft. for every two protector levels, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not have a burrow speed, he gains one.
At 9th level he may choose to grant an increase to fly speed equal to 10 + 5 ft. for every three protector levels, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not have a fly speed, he gains one with Average maneuverability. For every two levels above 9th, it also increases the maneuverability by one step whether he increases their fly speed or grants them the ability to fly. Good maneuverability grants a +4 bonus to fly checks, while perfect grants a +8.
At 15th level any Enhance Movement abilities the protector grants are double the value. For example, a 15th level protector increases all land and swim speeds by 80 ft.
At 3rd level he may choose to grant an increase to swim speed of 10 ft. + 5 ft. for every two protector levels, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not have a swim speed, he gains one. This includes a +8 bonus to swim checks.
At 5th level he may choose to grant an increase to burrow speed of 10 ft. + 5 ft. for every two protector levels, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not have a burrow speed, he gains one.
At 9th level he may choose to grant an increase to fly speed equal to 10 + 5 ft. for every three protector levels, capping at 40 ft. If the target does not have a fly speed, he gains one with Average maneuverability. For every two levels above 9th, it also increases the maneuverability by one step whether he increases their fly speed or grants them the ability to fly. Good maneuverability grants a +4 bonus to fly checks, while perfect grants a +8.
At 15th level any Enhance Movement abilities the protector grants are double the value. For example, a 15th level protector increases all land and swim speeds by 80 ft.
Battleground Specialization (Sp)
While every Protector share Commands, each Protector chooses
to walk a different path and use different tactics through their choice of
Battleground Specialization. Some learn to use negative energy to hinder foes
and help allies, while others call upon the power of the weather to see them through
Most battleground specializations require specific actions
from the protector in his everyday life. If for any reason they cannot fulfill
these actions, they lose the ability to use those battleground specializations
until they are taken care of.
A protector chooses one Battleground Specialization at 2nd level, gaining its first power, and gaining each sub sequential power every two levels thereafter.
A protector can use these powers for a total number of rounds per day equal to his level + his cha modifier; these rounds are known as battleground points (shorthand BP). Unless otherwise stated, any area of effects have a 30 ft. radius.
All Battleground specialization abilities are based on Charisma, and if they require a DC it is equal to 10 + ½ protector level + charisma modifier (round down). All of these abilities are a standard action that can be channeled; a protector decides whether he will continue to use an ability round after round (channeling), unless a specific ability says it cannot be channeled. Channeling an ability is a move action, unless otherwise stated. Channeling and ability costs one battleground point for every two rounds, unless otherwise stated. You may only channel one ability at a time, unless otherwise stated.
Any abilities the protector channels may be interrupted, requiring a concentration check (dc = 10 + damage taken). If either the Protector or the target move beyond the power's range, the channeling ends. Any effects from battleground specialization, unless otherwise stated, have lasting effects for Cha modifier + half protector level in rounds after the protector uses them or stops channeling them. Entering an area of effect from a protector ability that was previously exited will reset the timer on any already under the effects.
Every Battleground Specialization also grants spells that the protector adds to his or her spell list (see spells).
All battleground specialization abilities are considered Spell-like (Sp) abilities.
A protector chooses one Battleground Specialization at 2nd level, gaining its first power, and gaining each sub sequential power every two levels thereafter.
A protector can use these powers for a total number of rounds per day equal to his level + his cha modifier; these rounds are known as battleground points (shorthand BP). Unless otherwise stated, any area of effects have a 30 ft. radius.
All Battleground specialization abilities are based on Charisma, and if they require a DC it is equal to 10 + ½ protector level + charisma modifier (round down). All of these abilities are a standard action that can be channeled; a protector decides whether he will continue to use an ability round after round (channeling), unless a specific ability says it cannot be channeled. Channeling an ability is a move action, unless otherwise stated. Channeling and ability costs one battleground point for every two rounds, unless otherwise stated. You may only channel one ability at a time, unless otherwise stated.
Any abilities the protector channels may be interrupted, requiring a concentration check (dc = 10 + damage taken). If either the Protector or the target move beyond the power's range, the channeling ends. Any effects from battleground specialization, unless otherwise stated, have lasting effects for Cha modifier + half protector level in rounds after the protector uses them or stops channeling them. Entering an area of effect from a protector ability that was previously exited will reset the timer on any already under the effects.
Every Battleground Specialization also grants spells that the protector adds to his or her spell list (see spells).
All battleground specialization abilities are considered Spell-like (Sp) abilities.
Combatlink (Su)
A strong defining ability
that makes a protector the center of knowledge among the group. Because of this
power, protectors begin to act as a "spider brain"; they begins to
link with others, creating invisible connections amongst all of them. These
connections cannot cross planar boundaries. A protector decides who is part of
this combatlink every morning, and may include his Charisma modifier worth of
people into the link, plus one for every two levels + the Protector. This is part of
the protector's morning ritual; nothing
is required on the part of others beyond their general presence. Any who are
part of the combatlink are immune to abilities generated by the protector, at the
protector's discretion. Once someone is part of a Combatlink, the protector does not actually require them to be present to maintain the link every morning.
Note that any information
the Combatlink grants is received by all, not just the protector.
At 3rd level this takes the
form of sensing each other's location in close range. This link also grants any
who are connected an extra +1 bonus to their flanking attacks.
At 5th level, this ability
functions as a deathwatch and status effect, now in medium range. It also now
increases the amount of help given when using the aid another action by +2 as
long as the involved parties are connected.
At 7th level, it changes into
an empathic bond, now at long range. It also grants a +2 bonus to damage
for flanking attacks. The Protector may also add someone to the link as a standard action as long as he has not reached his limit.
At 9th level the bond
becomes telepathic, with no range limit. It now grants any who are flanking with each other a +2 bonus to armor class, furthermore any linked also receive a +2 bonus on will
saves from the collected wills.
Combatlink Tricks (Su)
At 11th level, and every two levels thereafter, a protector can choose one of the "Combatlink Tricks" which affects his combatlink or is used through it.
At 11th level, and every two levels thereafter, a protector can choose one of the "Combatlink Tricks" which affects his combatlink or is used through it.
of Opportunity: any time anyone in the combatlink has an attack of opportunity,
they may choose to forgo the attack and give the opening to someone else in the
link who is also threatening the same target. Your combatlink partners can do
this a total of five times per day. Choosing this ability again grants five
extra uses per day.
Combatlink Commands: you can choose to use a Command on an ally out of range through the combatlink. You can do this three times per day. Choosing this ability again grants three extra uses per day.
Feedback share: when an ally drops below 0, any in the combatlink can choose to take half of the damage that dropped him instead. This is an immediate action. Anyone in the link can do this once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Healing bond: you can choose to use any cure spell as a close range spell rather than a touch. Your target must be connected to you through the combatlink. You can do this two times per day. Choosing this ability again increases your uses per day by two.
Increased combatlink capacity: your combatlink can have three more people in it. You can choose this ability again, it stacks with itself.
Mass spells: any time you cast a defensive, buff spell (as defined by the gm) of 3rd level or lower, you can choose to also give the effects of the spell to your combatlink allies in a 30 ft. Radius around you. You can do this once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Share saving throws: any time anyone in the combat link rolls a saving throw, another in the link may choose to share his base bonus with him, replacing it. Your allies can do this a total of once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Share skills: any time anyone in the combat link rolls a skill check, another in the link may choose to share his ranks with him, replacing any ranks temporarily. Your allies can do this a total of four times per day. Choosing this ability again grants four extra uses per day.
Share spells: any time anyone in the combat link casts a personal spell, they may choose to share it with another one in the link next to them.Your allies can do this a total of once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Combatlink Commands: you can choose to use a Command on an ally out of range through the combatlink. You can do this three times per day. Choosing this ability again grants three extra uses per day.
Feedback share: when an ally drops below 0, any in the combatlink can choose to take half of the damage that dropped him instead. This is an immediate action. Anyone in the link can do this once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Healing bond: you can choose to use any cure spell as a close range spell rather than a touch. Your target must be connected to you through the combatlink. You can do this two times per day. Choosing this ability again increases your uses per day by two.
Increased combatlink capacity: your combatlink can have three more people in it. You can choose this ability again, it stacks with itself.
Mass spells: any time you cast a defensive, buff spell (as defined by the gm) of 3rd level or lower, you can choose to also give the effects of the spell to your combatlink allies in a 30 ft. Radius around you. You can do this once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Share saving throws: any time anyone in the combat link rolls a saving throw, another in the link may choose to share his base bonus with him, replacing it. Your allies can do this a total of once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Share skills: any time anyone in the combat link rolls a skill check, another in the link may choose to share his ranks with him, replacing any ranks temporarily. Your allies can do this a total of four times per day. Choosing this ability again grants four extra uses per day.
Share spells: any time anyone in the combat link casts a personal spell, they may choose to share it with another one in the link next to them.Your allies can do this a total of once per day. Choosing this ability again grants one extra use per day.
Know thy enemy (Ex)
Protectors, in their quest
to know everything about their enemies, have become rather well informed.
Protectors add half their level as a bonus to any knowledge checks, but only
when it's to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. A
protector must have at least one rank in the knowledge used to gain this bonus.
Commands (Ex)
The Protector is in constant
vigilance in the midst of combat. Most protector learn very early to see
everything around them; their senses are at their most powerful when they are
surrounded by friend and foe, ever ready to action. This ability grants them
the use of one extra immediate action per turn.
This grants them the ability
to direct others, and assist them in combat beyond granting them extra
movement. The protector uses "Command charges" to do so. Every day he
has enough Command charges equal to his levels of Protector plus his Cha
Commands are used as an
immediate action. Commands have a reach of close range. No target can receive
the benefit of a Command more than once per round.
At 7th level he may choose
to use two Command charges to grant an extra move action. This ability grants
an immediate move action to the target with an instantaneous duration. This
action does not change anyone's initiative.
At 11th level he may choose
to use three Command charges to grant an extra standard action instead. This
ability grants an immediate standard action to the target with an instantaneous
duration. This action does not change anyone's initiative.
At 13th level he may choose
to use four Command charges to grant an extra full round action. This ability
grants an immediate full round action to the target with an instantaneous
duration. This action does not change anyone's initiative.
At 17th level a Protector may use ten Command charges to
grant everyone in his combatlink within 20 ft. one standard action. The
protector determines the order in which they go. This action does not change
anyone's initiative, but it is a full round action to use for the protector.
At 19th level all Command
actions cost one less command charge to use, to a minimum of one.
Grand specialization (Sp)
As a master tactician, a
protector has learned how to maximize his abilities. Once per day, he can
choose to enhance his battleground specializations for a full combat in one of
the following ways:
- Double the numerical bonus or penalty of an ability.
- Double the duration of an ability. Cannot be applied to
instantaneous effects.
- Double the amount of targets of the ability.
- Double the area of effect of an ability.
Battleground Specializations (Sp)
Compassionate Mercy: those who walk this path
are battlefield medics first and foremost. All of their battleground specialization
centers on the ability to help their harmed comrades and bring them back battle
hardened, ready to defeat the opposition. Most of their abilities are powered
from an inner font the protector has. This font is filled through his own soul, its positive energy.
In fact, Protectors of Compassionate Mercy must have prepared one healing spell
of every spell level they can prepare each day.
Aura of life: You call on
your soul to unleash a wave of white and yellow positive energy that infuses
you and your allies, healing within a 30 ft radius. This healing is equal to
1d4 modifier in hit points for every protector level you have.
Healing hand: Your hand
begins to glow with a soft white light. Its touch suffuses the body of an ally
with mending energy, healing for 2d4 hit points for every protector level you
have plus your Charisma modifier. You cannot use this ability on yourself.
Shared harm: you
dramatically heal an ally in touch range for an amount equal to 4d4 hit points
for every protector level you have. You take half of the healing given as
damage. Absorbing this damage is quite traumatic and you will be unable to heal
your own wounds by any means for 1d4 rounds. Alternatively, you can use this
ability preemptively, creating a link between you. This link makes you both
share damage, each taking half of the damage the other receives regardless of
distance, but does not prevent you from healing either you or your linked ally.
Recall soul: as a full round
action you separate your soul from your body as you lay your hands on your
fallen friend, searching in nearby planes in hopes you can convince his soul to
rejoin his body. You can attempt to resurrect a fallen ally by bringing them
back with ½ hit points; the ally cannot be dead longer than 1 round for every 2
protector levels you posses. Each round the ally was dead requires a full round
from you searching for his soul. Doing this takes its toll on your body;
harraging with the soul deals you 1d4 points of damage for every level (or HD,
if applicable) your target has + 1d4 for every round you spend searching. This
ability costs two battleground rounds to use, but regardless of how long it
takes to use, it is not considered channeled, therefore it only ever costs 2
battleground rounds. At 12th level this ability is considered the equivalent of
the Raise Dead spell. At 17th it becomes the equivalent of a Resurrection
Mindswipe: when you use this
ability, you sense if anything is askew with your allies minds, and can choose
to send a wave of neutral thoughts on a beam of positive energy, wiping clean charusions
from his or her mind. You can sense and choose to free an ally within 30 ft.
from any of the following effects: blinded, charmed, confused, cowering, dazed,
dazzled, deafened, fascinated, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, shaken,
staggered, or stunned. If the effect has a caster level equal to or higher than
your protector level, you must roll a caster level check with a dc equal to the
caster level of the spell to break the effect.
Battlemind: you infuse an
ally of your choice within 30 ft. with incredible combat prowess drawn from the
positive energy plane. This energy lodges itself into both the brain and
muscles of your ally, granting him the fighting expertise that is natural to
the plane's creatures. Your ally gains an insight bonus to attacks, damage, and
armor class equal to +1 for every 4 protector levels you have. Alternatively he
can choose to gain a specific feat, even if he does not have the prerequisites
feats for it (but not any other prerequisite, such as base attack bonus or
caster level).
Aura of respite: this aura
infuses your allies, granting them peace of mind and allowing them to rest. You
cannot use this ability in the midst of combat. This ability costs four
Battleground rounds, takes 5 minutes, and has a 10 ft. aura that is the
equivalent of eight hours of rest for those in it. Anyone that receives the
benefits of this aura becomes immune to it for three days.
Aura of regeneration:
filling the air with a white and yellow light, your allies begin to regenerate
damage dealt to them. The regeneration provided by this aura is equal to your
protector level. Limbs removed while this aura is active will reattach themselves
when placed in contact with the body as long as the effects from this ability
are still active. Alternatively, you can attempt to use this ability to
reattach severed limbs when the aura was not in use. You direct it to the
target rather than creating a field; the limbs can only be reattached within 1
round for every 4 levels you have.
Blood of Gods: you touch an
ally, suffusing him with the positive energy of a demigod. This heals your ally
of any ability damage and hit point damage, and removes any negative conditions
(other than dead). It also grants him regeneration 15, +5 divine bonus to
attacks and damage (including any magical damage they may deal, applied once
per spell only), and grants him the use of a previously used ability or spell
slot (once).
Compassionate Mercy Spells
1-Cure Light Wounds
Endure Elements
2-Cure Moderate Wounds
Resist Energy
3-Cure Serious Wounds
Protection from Energy
4-Cure Critical Wounds
5-Cure Light Wounds, Mass
Spell Resistance
6-Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
7-Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
8-Heal, Mass
Spell Resistance, Mass
9-Regenerate, Mass
Dynamic fortitude: There is energy
everywhere, in many different forms, and to this protector, manipulating it and
changing it to his needs is what he ultimately seeks. You learn to move the
energies within bodies, as well as those that surround us. You are the ultimate
controller, directing all energies against foes and enhancing the ones your
allies already have. All dynamic fortitude protector must eat constantly, at
least every two hours if its regular food, as the energies they constantly shift
include their own, or they become fatigued. Once fatigued, after resting the
protector must eat within four hours or become exhausted. Even a ring of
sustenance on a Dynamic fortitude protector is not enough: he will still need
to eat as a normal person without one.
Transfusion: You lock into
the energies surrounding a foe's heart, and you attempt to sync with it. Doing
so creates a purple and blue ray between you that allows you to drain him,
reducing his health in the form of a -1 circumstance penalty to saving throws
for every 3 levels you have. This energy is transferred as hit points to your
allies within 15 ft. of the target, equal to 1d6 healing for each -1 penalty.
The healing effect occurs once regardless of how long the penalty is suffered.
Shift Strength: a red ray
springs from your outstretched finger letting you shift the strength from a
foe, reducing all damage she deals by -2 for each level you have. You release
this energy around yourself, granting you and your allies within 15 ft. a bonus
to damage equal to half of the penalty she received.
Gravity's weight: you create
a black point in space about a foot diameter in close range. This black point
is incredibly dense, in fact so dense, it draws anything within 15 ft. towards
it, including atmosphere, even time. Those trapped within it lose all actions
while in the area of effect, albeit they all get a reflex save as soon as they
enter it and once at the beginning of
their turn. Saving grants them a move action in order to get away. Any time the
black point comes in contact with any living subjects, it turns all its drawing
strength into its opposite, violently pushing any within 15 ft of it away. Any
that enter or begin their turn in the area must make a reflex save or be bull
rushed towards the black point. If any living being comes into contact with the
black point, they take damage equal to 1d6 for every 5 ft. they could not move.
Immediately after, all in the area are bull rushed away from the black point.
The black point has a CMB equal to your level + your charisma modifier; it also
has a +5 bonus to the check for every 5 ft square the target is closer to the black point; +5 at 15 ft, +
10 at 10 ft, etc. If anyone cannot move outside of the area of effect as they
are pushed away, e.g. because they are slammed into a wall, they receive 1d6 points
of damage for every 5 ft. they could not move but were supposed to.
Tap speed: you release
another ray from your outstretched finger, this one yellowish, wrapped in what
seems like lightning, attempting to tap into the energy of speed from a
targeted foe. If you succeed, the enemy is under a slow effect. Meanwhile you
may choose to take the energy into yourself or just act as a halfway point for
the energy and give it to an ally. Whoever receives this energy becomes hasted.
This ability can be channeled as a swift action.
Increase Weight: you target
an ally, forcing his muscles and bones to grow thicker, making his body
significantly heavier and denser. This grants him an increase to his strength
and constitution equal to half your level. He also receives damage reduction
2/slashing and +4 bonus to checks made to be moved against his will for every
five levels you posses. His weight is multiplied by your level. While under
these effects, his movement speed is halved, and he cannot run. Alternatively,
you can attempt to use this ability offensively, increasing an enemy's weight
recklessly, in an instant attempting to crush his chaernal organs with the
sudden weight of the rest of his body. He takes 1d4 points of constitution
damage, as his system is compromised, his bones and muscles many times heavier
now. He receives a fortitude save for half damage.
Speed Boost: you can haste a
single ally to incredible speeds, making his body act faster than his thoughts.
All of the target's movement speeds get an enhancement bonus of 30ft., he gains
an enhancement bonus to initiative checks equal to your protector level and he
gains extra standard actions (usable once per turn immediately after their
regular turn) equal to 1 for every 4 levels you posses. Channeling this ability
does not grant more standard actions than those gained at the beginning of the
use of this ability; only more available turns to use them. You may not use
this ability on yourself. This ability does not stack with any other haste
effects or action increases (including Commands).
Gravity's hold: you reduce
the hold of the earth upon yourself and your allies in long range, manipulating
the natural energy fields that they all generate, using it to create an almost
magnetic resistance toward the earth. This grants each a bonus to acrobatic
checks for purposes of jumps equal to triple your level. Jumps while under the
effects of this ability allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the
Transference: You tap
directly into the life force of an enemy, draining the endurance with a vicious
looking glossy black ray, dealing him 1d6 + cha modifier damage for every 2
level you have. This energy is released around him in a 30 ft. radius as a
bright multicolored spectacle. You also modify your allies energy auras within
30 ft. of the target so they can absorb this released energy and heal for the
damage dealt.
Tide Turn: You lock into the
energy patterns of your targeted foe, and begin to shift all his converging
energies with a ray of pure white light; from what is naturally found in his
body, to what he has garnered on his time on the prime material. Every other
foe within 30 ft. of the target and/or you is also affected, as the energies
bleed around both the target and you, still linked by the ray (bird's eye view:
two circles connected center to center by a line, even if the circles
touch/overlap). This reduces all the enemy's damage potential (including
magical damage, even ability damage) by an amount equal to: 2 multiplied by the
number of affected foes i.e. two enemies affected gives both -4, six enemies
affected mean -12, etc. All of these displaced energies are transferred to all
allies within 30 ft. of either the target or you. All of your damage potential,
as well as your allies, increases by the same amount taken from your foes. The
more foes that are affected by this ability, the more power you and your allies
Dynamic Fortitude Spells
1-Expeditious Retreat
2-Death Knell
Resist Energy
4-Freedom of Movement
Rainbow Pattern
5-Death Ward
6-Antimagic Field
7-Project Image
Reverse Gravity
8-Prismatic Wall
9- Energy Drain
Mage's Disjunction
Force shields: when you walk in the shoes
of a force shield protector, you are a proactive member of your entourage,
placing fields of protective energy around those in your care. You reduce the
ability to hurt them from all different forms of damage, eventually making them
almost impossible to harm. Your Force Shield abilities last Cha mod + your protector level instead of Cha mod + 1/2 your protector level.
Encapsulating field: a
thinly woven cage of force grows around your target, making it harder to hit him as well as focus on him. This bubble grants a +1 deflection bonus to armor class and combat maneuver defense as well as a 5% miss chance per level, capping at a +10 bonuses and 50% miss chance, respectively.
Deflecting auspices: you
wrap your ally in eldritch fields, which appear as translucent circles of
various colours that actively shift in fluid smooth motions around her, coming
together to deflect attacks aimed at her. These fields reduce the damage she takes by half your level (damage reduction 2/- at level 4) and grant a deflection bonus to saving throws equal to one for every three levels.
Bolts of protection: Your knowledge of defensive powers is so great that you've figured out how to use them offensively without compromising them. You create bolts of energy from a defensive spell or ability you created to strike
an enemy at close range of the originating ability or defensive spell. You must be within
medium range of the source spell(s) or ability(ies). You can create a bolt for
every 3 levels you have, which strike unerringly for 1d4 + 1 points of damage. A protector can create bolts from more than one source spell or ability with a single use of this ability, he decides how to divide the bolts up. The spell Shield will automatically cancel any damage from this ability and prevent the knockback effect, and cannot be used as a source spell either. may choose to forgo all bolts except one and use it to also knockback the target; you create a bull rush attempt against the
target as well as damage him. You receive a bonus to the CMB check equal to your level + your cha modifier. The protector does not need to move with the target if successful.
Any bull rush attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability may
not be channeled.
Insulating Bulwark: This
translucent shield imposes itself before any elemental attacks; it moves and
shifts, stretches and expands to cover the ally. It changes color to match the
element it is protecting against, however the bulwark can only change elements
once per turn; whatever elemental attack the ally is targeted with first in the
round is the protection the bulwark will offer for the round. The elemental resistance given is equal to your protector level + your cha modifier.
Captivating Orb: you send an
orb of the same energies you normally use with your Encapsulating Field ability
at a target; however, this one is denser, impossible to penetrate by normal
means. This sphere of chaotic light force travels incredibly fast and expands
to wrap itself around the target, who gets a reflex save. If he fails this
save, he is encased in the orb; he cannot be harmed, is immobilized, and cannot
attack nor aid his allies by physical means. The target can is not considered immobilized in relation to himself (he may use and target himself with physical abilities). You may channel this ability as a swift action, allowing you
to channel more than one Force Shield ability at the time.
Dispersion sphere: you
create a large bubble that emanates from you, stretching out in bright warm
colors to protects all allies in its 60 ft. radius. While active, the
dispersion sphere gives all allies within increased defense, receiving a +1
deflection bonus to armor class, +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws, and
elemental resistance 3 for every 5 levels you possess. Bonuses from this
ability stack with other effects, even if they normally don't. You may channel
this ability as a swift action, allowing you to channel more than one Force
Shield ability at the time.
Time lock: You infuse an
ability of your Force Shield battleground specialization, super charging it
rather than creating a new one. Doing so increases its duration, lasting
minutes rather than rounds. Time lock does not stack with itself; you cannot
time lock an ability that was previously time locked. You may only have one
ability Time locked at a time for every 5 levels you have. If the ability you want
to Time Lock is targeting an enemy, the enemy can roll a reflex save attempting
to warp the original effect enough to disrupt your infusion.
Repulsion bomb: You pick one
of your Force Shield abilities, which can include one you are currently
channeling, as this will not interrupt it, and begin to expand it, knocking
down any enemies on its 30 ft. radius growth, and stunning them for one round
as well. Enemies get a reflex save to avoid falling down. This ability affects
your other abilities; it cannot be used by itself, and it cannot be channeled.
The source ability used to create the bomb continues to protect its
target(s) even during this ability's effects.
Force Bubble: You create a
large bubble which protects all allies inside. This bubble can be up to 60 ft.
radius area that has a blue translucent sheen, and can be seen by the naked eye
from miles away. While active, it keeps all foes at bay (as per the repulsion
spell, centered on you), gives all your allies damage reduction 1/- per level,
and also grants spell resistance equal to 10 + your level against enemy spells
and effects. Bonuses from this ability stack with other effects, even if they
normally don't, although the base 10 from spell resistance only applies once. You may channel this ability as either a swift or move action,
allowing you to channel more than one Force Shield ability at the time.
Force Shields spells
1-Mage Armor
Entropic Shield
2-Resist Energy
Shield Other
Protection from Energy
4-Death Ward
Wall of Thorns
5-Spell Resistance
Wall of Stone
6- Globe of Invulnerability
Wall of Force
7-Spell Turning
Wall of Iron
8-Prismatic Wall
Protection from Spells
9-Prismatic Sphere
Temporal Stasis
Fetid ebbing: The powers of the negative
energy flow freely through you. This grants you the ability to drain your
enemies of their strengths while granting it back to your allies. Protectors
who walk this path are usually dark, considering the path to victory lies in
the ability to weaken foes by unleashing the power of the negative energy plane
upon them. While Fetid Ebbing protector are not necessarily evil themselves,
they do draw some power from it. Good creatures will normally not come to the
call of a Fetid ebbing protector, and therefore summon spells cast by this
protector do not call any.
Dark Hold: you channel
negative energy through your outstretched hand and aim it at a foe. As a ranged
touch attack, you place a connection between the two of you, granting him a
profane penalty to attacks equal to -1 for every four protector levels as your
ray drains his energy. Allies in a 30 ft. radius around you gain Fast Healing 1
for every four protector levels you posses.
Shadow Strings: You drop a
patch of viscous negative energy which grasps, slowing enemies down, giving them
the entangled condition if they fail a reflex save. Even if they save, the area
is still considered difficult terrain. This patch has a 30 ft. radius.
Furthermore, any caught inside, take your Cha modifier in negative energy
damage each round. Any who enter or begin their turn in the area and are not entangled must roll a reflex save or be affected.
Blackout: filling your
targeted foe's head with a ray of brackish light, he receives a Fortitude save if you strike him, and is blinded if he fails.
Furthermore, regardless if he saves or not, he takes a -1 morale penalty to attacks and damage for
every five protector levels. Foes within 20ft of the target also receive this
penalty, but do not run the risk of being blinded.
Howl of midnight: You open
the floodgates holding back your connection to the negative energy plane,
unleashing upon your foes your darkest desires, draining their life. All
enemies caught in a 20 ft. radius burst centered on you are stunned for one
round and take damage equal to your protector level. Enemies 4 or more HD lower than you are unaffected. Affected targets may roll
a fortitude save for half damage and to negate the stun. At the same time, the
protector directs the drained energy of his enemies to allies in the area. The
amount of damage dealt equals the amount of damage healed,
divided as the Protector sees fit. If a target of this healing was killed within 1 round
for every five protector levels, then he is returned to life his soul
pulled back from the nether back into his body by a cold hand of negative energy. They suffer 1d6 Con damage upon
returning, which may kill them again. This particular ability cannot be
channeled and uses up five battleground rounds instead of one and also deals
you 1d4 con damage if it brings someone back from death. This is considered the
equivalent of the Raise dead spell.
Shroud of Darkness: You
actively wrap shadows around all your allies in a 30 ft. radius, which
constantly grasp at all of you as the area moves with you, new shadows filling
in for others than won't reach anymore. You grant them concealment equal to 5%
for every two protector levels you have. They also gain a +8 circumstance bonus
to stealth checks, although a black cloud in the middle of the day may have the opposite effect. Channeling this ability only requires a swift action. Allies
who leave the area of effect but return while it is being channeled reset their
Eyes of Terror: You draw
forth a wave of panic in a 25 ft. cone in front of you. Any caught in the area must roll a Will save or become
shaken. Any who save against this effect become immune to it from the protector
he saved against for 24 hours. Any already shaken who are in the cone must roll
a Will save at the beginning of their turn. Failure to save causes the frightened condition. Any already frightened who are in the cone must roll a
Will save at the beginning of their turn. Failure to save causes the
panicked condition. Saving against any of the effects of Eyes of Terror does
not remove any previously acquired conditions. This is a mind-affecting fear
Gorgon Gaze: rather than
unleash a wave of fear, you've learned to fine tune the release of negative
energy from you in order to terrorize one enemy, freezing him in his steps.
This takes all of your concentration and therefore all of your actions,
including immediate actions, albeit it is a standard action to initiate. You must be no further than medium range. If the target fails a Will save, he begins cowering, frozen in
fear. At the beginning of the target's next turn, he gets a new will save in
order to replace the cowering condition with the panicked condition, hopefully
calming down enough to try to run away if he can. This continues with the
frightened then shaken conditions, ending when the target saves against the
shaken condition or after Cha modifier in rounds after the protector stops
channeling. If the protector stops channeling while the target is under any of
the effects of this power, the power will run its natural course, continuing to
offer a save every round for Cha modifier in rounds. This is a mind-affecting
fear effect.
Black hole: you open a tear
to the negative energy plane within close range. Which pulls in all within 15 ft. They receive a Reflex save in order to get out of the area of effect.
Victims who fail their save begin to shift between the plane you are in and the
negative energy plane as they are drawn closer to the fissure, eventually
becoming incorporeal, their bodies turning into shadowstuff, making them intangible.
As long as they are trapped by the pulling forces, they cannot affect nor be
affected by those on your plane by conventional means. Every round inside the
area moves all caught 5 ft. closer to the fissure. Each round, at the beginning
of their round, each victim that is turning into shadows can roll a will save
to literally will themselves back to the
originating plane. Success brings them back and grants them a reflex save to
try to move 5ft. away from the fissure. Any who actually reach the center are
pulled into the negative energy plane completely, left on their own to figure out how to get back, if at all.
Revenant of Dark: You summon
a servant of the dark to aid you within close range. This Revenant possesses
the equivalent of your base statistics, including saves, hp, modes of movement, etc (before any equipment or effects) as he is a dark reflection of you. It possesses all of your fetid ebbing
powers, but none of your other protector abilities, including spells, nor your
equipment. His unarmed attacks use all the statistics of a weapon of choice you
have on you (but not any special abilities), and uses your level as base attack bonus and your charisma to determine attacks and damage. They are considered magical attacks. He has as many battleground
rounds to use as you decide, from whatever remains in your BP pool after he is appears. His battleground rounds not used are returned to you when he disappears or is slain. Any spells you cast
on yourself will automatically apply to your Revenant as well, regardless of
distance, as long as both of you are on the same plane. Casting spells on your Revenant does not automatically apply to you as well.
Fetid Ebbing Spells
1-Ray of Enfeeblement
3-Ray of Exhaustion
Bestow Curse
5-Magic Jar
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass
7-Circle of Death
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass
8- Finger of Death
Inflict Critical Wounds,
9-Energy Drain
Soul Bind
Heated Halo: Learning to harness the
power of heat, both the one granted by the life giving sun as well as the
destructive force of a volcano, this protector inflicts all kinds of effects
upon those who stand against her' friends. She manipulates heat, draining it or
increasing it, both around herself and in specific subjects. This allows the protector
to enhance her allies or burden her foes. Note that resistance or immunity to
fire does not actually protect any targets from effects from this battleground specialization (unless it specifies fire damage), but does grant them an
automatic +2 bonus to any saves against them. Heated halo protectors receive a
-2 to saves versus cold effects.
Cleanse aura: You can use an intensely hot aura to heal some of your wounds, the warmth speeding up your
natural regenerative functions, as well as the wounds of your group. Openings
begin to mend naturally, bones reinsert and bond together, just much more
rapidly. This ability has a 15 ft. radius surrounding you, so your allies need
to be near you if they wish to be affected. You can heal 1d6 hit points for
every 2 levels you have. Furthermore, if any affected are under the effects of
a poison or disease (natural or otherwise), they can roll a new saving throw
with a +4 bonus to attempt to end the effects. This bonus also applies for any
poison or disease saving throws while under the effects of the Cleanse aura.
Infectious blisters: You
make your target's skin sprout blisters across his body, especially in areas of
high movement, such as the underarms, as well as between the thighs. This
creates an incredibly painful and uncomfortable experience for the target and
his allies within 15 ft. making it difficult for them to attack or defend
themselves. For every 2 levels you have, your target will suffer a -1 circumstance
penalty to attacks and to armor class. A fortitude save will drop this penalty
by half.
Warm up: You increase the
warmth inside all your allies bodies within 30 ft. making their muscles lose
and ready for movement. This gives them an enhancement bonus to their land
speed by 30 ft. It also grants them an extra attack with each weapon they have
as part of a full attack action, and gives them a +2 dodge bonus to armor
class. Affected allies metabolisms are increased so much that they gain a +4 bonus
against sleep, grapple, and immobilization effects.
Enervating field: you target
a single foe, whose body begins to overreact as you actively spike and
drop his body temperature. All foes in a 45 ft. radius around him are
affected as well. This weakens the target and his allies, dropping their armor
class by 1 and elemental resistances to fire and lightning by 5 for every level
you posses. The original target may negate it with a Fortitude save, albeit if
he does not, all others affected can only roll a fortitude save for half (round
Rise of the Phoenix: using a
concentrated burst of heat, you can revive a fallen ally, electrifying his
heart, and turn him into a killing
machine. The ally heals for an amount equal to your Cleanse Aura effect and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage per protector
level as well as an extra attack for each full round attack action he takes at
his full base attack bonus; his next turn starting as soon as yours finishes.
The entire experience is very taxing on the ally's body, and he will lose all
of the above bonuses in 1d6 rounds. Once this period is over, the ally is severely weakened receiving the previous
bonuses as penalties instead. He also loses one attack per turn (to a minimum of one), as well as
taking 1d6 points of damage per hit die he has, and gains the fatigued
condition. You can use this ability on an ally that was fallen no longer than
one round per four levels you posses. This concentrated burst of heat leaves
you Exhausted, and uses up three rounds of Battleground rounds. This is
considered the equivalent of the Raise dead spell.
Lingering heat: you
methodically raise the heat in a 40 ft. radius within close range, increasing
the ambient heat radiated by the ground and air. This reduces speeds by half
and deals 2d6 + cha modifier points of fire damage. Enemies in the area of
effect can roll a reflex save to negate the speed penalties.
Choking cloud: while active,
you generate a toxic gas around yourself, stemming from your own personal fire.
Any in the 15 ft. radius or entering it must roll a fortitude save each round or
begin choking, which gives them the blinded, nauseated, and sickened
conditions. You are immune to these effects, and can choose to make up to cha
modifier worth of targets immune as well. Any affected that exit the area lose
the blinded and nauseated conditions at the end of their turn.
Firefall: when an ally is
dropped, or killed, within close range, you can activate this power as an
immediate action to extract from his body its heat and from his mind the rage
over falling and release it for a massive instantaneous burst 15 ft. wide,
dealing fire damage equal to 1d6 for each hit die of the dying ally. Your dying
ally can choose to make this 4d6 points of damage per hit die instead. This
ability is difficult to avoid; Fire Resistance against this ability is halved,
fire immunity becomes resistance 20, and evasion and improved evasion do not
work against it. A reflex save with a -2 cumulative penalty based on distance
from the center is possible to reduce the damage by half, except for whoever
dealt the last blow; he gets no save. Your ally's body is unharmed by the
process, however if the fallen ally chooses to enhance the damage he goes from
dying to slain, and can only be brought back with Resurrection magic or more
powerful effects. Ally's that are already slain when you use this ability can
choose to enhance the damage as well.
Thermocouple: you unleash a
massive amount of heat from your body, which is dispensed through your arms,
creating an electromagnetic pulse in a 30 ft. cone in front of you. This pulse
can affect all metallic mechanical objects in its path (as long as metal is a
significant part of the machinery), and is even powerful enough to affect the
thoughts of those in its wake. It will deal 1d8 lightning damage per two
levels, it will also make all living targets in its path exhausted, and will
turn off any regeneration powers (including spells, pre or post) for 2d12
rounds. Victims receive a fortitude save for half damage, and a will save to
negate the exhausted condition. Any wearing metal armor, or items made of metal
on their head/neck (including helms, circlets, earrings, amulets) receive a -6
to their save, respectively.
Heated Halo Spells
1-Faerie Fire
Produce Flame
2-Heat Metal
Flaming Sphere
4- Fireball
Fire Shield
5- Flame Strike
Wall of Fire
6-Elemental Body III (Fire
Fire Seeds
7-Fire Storm
8-Delayed Blast Fireball
9-Elemental Swarm (Fire
Meteor Swarm
Storm soul: You've yearned your whole
life to be amidst the chaos of storm and tempest; to taste the raw power of
wind and water. The thought of flying into a cyclone, or swimming in a tsunami
is what you would call a good afternoon. To your enemies however, the power of
weather is nothing to trust or desire, for you will unleash its devastating
fury upon them. This connection to the storm has changed you. Whenever you take lightning damage, you can roll a Will save (DC 10+damage taken) to try to absorb the energy, using it to heal you instead. You can choose to be immune to any effects that you call from this battleground specialization.
Gale winds: you create a 40 ft. cone before you of concentrated wind and deal 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage for every
protector level you have to any caught in it as they are pelted with debris, potentially knocking them
back as well. Anyone in the area can roll a reflex save for half damage. The gale winds have a CMB to bull rush equal to your level + your
cha modifier. The protector does not need to move with the target(s) if
successful. Any bull rush attempts do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Oxygenate: you saturate the
air around your target, which begins mending his wounds for 1d6 hit points
per level. The oxygen boost grants a bonus to saves vs. sleep, stuns, and
energy drains equal to half your level. Channeling this ability only continues to grant the bonuses to save.
Snow storm: you chill the
water in the air surrounding you in a 50ft radius, which slows down all enemies
reducing their speed by half and reduces their full attacks down by one (to a
minimum of one). The torrential winds of the snow storm are strong enough to
batter flying foes, forcing them to land within the area, and giving them a -20
to any fly checks and making it almost impossible for normal ranged attacks to
succeed, with a -1 per two levels to ranged attacks.
Steamy mist: you hide
yourself and your allies within a 30ft bank of fog that surrounds you. This
makes you and your allies harder to see, with a +8 circumstance bonus to
stealth checks, and grants you all a miss chance equal to 4% per level, capped
at 50% at level 13. It also reduces any fire, cold, or electricity damage you
take by 2 for each level you have. You and your allies can see through your own
steam, albeit allies take a -4 to perception checks. Note that a random fog
bank in the wrong conditions may still stand out.
Freezing rain: you summon a
freezing rain within close range, that has a 30ft radius. The rain deal 1d4
cold damage at the beginning of each of your turns, and places a slow effect to
any caught inside. Each round the rain gets worse, making it harder to resist
the cold, increasing the damage die by one step. Anyone attempting to move in
the area must roll a reflex save or acrobatics check (same DC as save) or fall
prone. Those inside receive a -10 to perception checks, and cannot discern in
what direction they are moving (pick randomly). Flying in the area receives a
-15 to the check. You may choose to spend an extra battleground round to also
call down your level worth of
thundersnows. These thundersnows deals 1d6 + cha modifier lightning
damage. Thundersnows can only be used within the freezing rain, and can be
negated with a reflex save. You can choose to use however many thundersnows you
want as part of a standard action on subsequent rounds until you run out of
Hurricane: you call upon
nature's wrath, and summon a hurricane in the sky above you. The wind and rain
from this massive storm (100ft radius) reduces the range of any ranged attacks
used within or entering it to only one range increment, and makes it almost
impossible to use (-20 to ranged attacks). Those caught inside receive a
penalty of -1 to melee attacks equal to half your level. The massive winds from
this storm continuously push enemies away from you at the end of your turn, as
per the repulsion spell, but does not prevent them from coming back, it will just
try to push them away again. For every four levels you have, as a standard
action, you can direct the winds to pick up debris and hurl it at an enemy,
attempting to either bull rush him or grapple and pin him into the debris (as
one action). Regardless of which one you choose, you deal 2d10 points of damage
to the target if you succeed. The hurricane has a cmb check equal to your level
+ your cha modifier.
Thunder clap: you call forth
a tremendous thunder clap in a 60ft cone before you as you violently bring your
arms together to generate it. This cacophonous sound dazes all foes that fail a
fortitude save for one round. Regardless if they save or not, they are also
Tornado: a funnel of wind,
cloud, and debris forms within medium range of your location. It is 60ft tall,
with a 10 ft. wide (4 squares) mouth (the ground touching side), while the tail
(top end) is 60ft wide. You may have the tornado chase down your foes, tossing
them into the air and hurling them great distances. The tornado moves at 60ft
per round, and must move this distance. You can also have it double move. If at
any point anyone is in the same square as the mouth, he must make a reflex save
or get picked up by the tornado. This automatically makes them nauseated, as
well as flings them in a random direction from the top, dealing them 10d6 points
of damage between the debris inside the tornado and the falling damage. The
direction they are thrown is random (as a thrown object), and they travel their
unresisted damage worth of feet. A fortitude save negates the nauseated
condition and halves the damage dealt. Creatures with flying receive a +10
bonus to this save, as they can somewhat control how hard they get thrown
around. This ability does not actually last like normal battleground
specializations, requiring a battleground round be spent each round that it is
Lightning storm: You summon
a dark cloud of monumental proportions above you. This lightning storm stays
around you and strikes any foe that moves towards you within 50ft. Lightning
from this storm can knock down and damage foes, dealing 1d4 points of lightning
damage per level and tripping all that it strikes. A reflex save negates the
damage and the trip. The lightning bolt must still roll a cmb check (your level
+ cha modifier) for the trip if it strikes. Every round this storm is
channeled, you can also choose to call down a bolt for each three levels you
posses. The action to use these bolts are part of channeling this ability,
which is a full round action. These bolts can only strike a target in the
storm. This ability costs two battleground rounds to activate.
Storm Soul Spells
1-Obscuring Mist
Shocking Grasp
2-Protection from Energy
Wind Wall
3-Call Lightning
Sleet Storm
4-Lightning Bolt
Wall of Ice
5-Call Lightning Storm
6-Cone of Cold
Freezing Sphere
7-Chain Lightning
Control Weather
8-Polar Ray
9-Elemental Swarm (Air only)
Storm of Vengeance
Protector spell list
O level protector spells
Create water
Detect magic
Detect poison
Know direction
Mage hand
Purify food and drink
Read magic
1st level protector spells
Bless weapon
Comprehend languages
Cure light wounds
Divine favor
Endure elements
Enlarge person
Entropic shield
Expeditious retreat
Feather fall
Mage armor
Magic fang
Magic weapon
Pass without trace
Protection from chaos/evil/good/law
Reduce person
Remove fear
Shield of faith
Summon monster I
2nd level protector spells
Align weapon
Alter self
Bear's endurance
Bull's strength
Cat's grace
Cure moderate wounds
Delay poison
Eagle's splendor
Fox's cunning
Make whole
Owl's wisdom
Protection from arrows
Remove paralysis
Resist energy
Restoration, lesser
Rope trick
Shield other
Spider climb
Summon monster II
Undetectable alignment
3rd level protector spells
Arcane sight
Beast shape I
Create food and water
Cure serious wounds
Dispel magic
Flame arrow
Good hope
Helping hand
Invisibility purge
Invisibility sphere
Keen edge
Magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law
Magic vestment
Magic weapon, greater
Neutralize poison
Protection from energy
Remove blindness/deafness
Remove curse
Remove disease
Summon monster III
Tiny hut
Water breathing
Water walk
4th level protector spells
Air walk
Beast shape II
Cure critical wounds
Death ward
Detect scrying
Divine Power
Elemental Body I
Enlarge Person, Mass
Freedom of movement
Globe of invulnerability, lesser
Imbue with Spell Ability
Invisibility, greater
Magic fang, greater
Planar ally, lesser
Reduce person, mass
Secure shelter
Spell immunity
Summon monster IV
5th level protector spells
Animal growth
Beast shape III
Break enchantment
Breath of life
Cure light wounds, mass
Disrupt weapon
Elemental Body II
Heroism, greater
Mage's faithful hound
Mage's private sanctum
Overland Flight
Plant Shape I
Raise dead
Righteous Might
Spell resistance
Summon monster V
Telepathic bond
6th level protector spells
Bear's endurance, mass
Beast shape IV
Bull's strength, mass
Cat's grace, mass
Cure moderate wounds, mass
Dispel magic, greater
Eagle's splendor, mass
Elemental body III
Flesh to stone
Forceful hand
Form of the dragon
Fox's cunning, mass
Globe of invulnerability
Guards and wards
Heroes' feast
Holy sword
Owl's wisdom, mass
Plant shape II
Summon monster VI
True seeing
Wind walk
O level protector spells
Create water
Detect magic
Detect poison
Know direction
Mage hand
Purify food and drink
Read magic
1st level protector spells
Bless weapon
Comprehend languages
Cure light wounds
Divine favor
Endure elements
Enlarge person
Entropic shield
Expeditious retreat
Feather fall
Mage armor
Magic fang
Magic weapon
Pass without trace
Protection from chaos/evil/good/law
Reduce person
Remove fear
Shield of faith
Summon monster I
2nd level protector spells
Align weapon
Alter self
Bear's endurance
Bull's strength
Cat's grace
Cure moderate wounds
Delay poison
Eagle's splendor
Fox's cunning
Make whole
Owl's wisdom
Protection from arrows
Remove paralysis
Resist energy
Restoration, lesser
Rope trick
Shield other
Spider climb
Summon monster II
Undetectable alignment
3rd level protector spells
Arcane sight
Beast shape I
Create food and water
Cure serious wounds
Dispel magic
Flame arrow
Good hope
Helping hand
Invisibility purge
Invisibility sphere
Keen edge
Magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law
Magic vestment
Magic weapon, greater
Neutralize poison
Protection from energy
Remove blindness/deafness
Remove curse
Remove disease
Summon monster III
Tiny hut
Water breathing
Water walk
4th level protector spells
Air walk
Beast shape II
Cure critical wounds
Death ward
Detect scrying
Divine Power
Elemental Body I
Enlarge Person, Mass
Freedom of movement
Globe of invulnerability, lesser
Imbue with Spell Ability
Invisibility, greater
Magic fang, greater
Planar ally, lesser
Reduce person, mass
Secure shelter
Spell immunity
Summon monster IV
5th level protector spells
Animal growth
Beast shape III
Break enchantment
Breath of life
Cure light wounds, mass
Disrupt weapon
Elemental Body II
Heroism, greater
Mage's faithful hound
Mage's private sanctum
Overland Flight
Plant Shape I
Raise dead
Righteous Might
Spell resistance
Summon monster V
Telepathic bond
6th level protector spells
Bear's endurance, mass
Beast shape IV
Bull's strength, mass
Cat's grace, mass
Cure moderate wounds, mass
Dispel magic, greater
Eagle's splendor, mass
Elemental body III
Flesh to stone
Forceful hand
Form of the dragon
Fox's cunning, mass
Globe of invulnerability
Guards and wards
Heroes' feast
Holy sword
Owl's wisdom, mass
Plant shape II
Summon monster VI
True seeing
Wind walk
7th level protector spells
Arcane sight, greater
Cure serious wounds, mass
Elemental body IV
Form of the dragon II
Giant form I
Grasping hand
Invisibility, mass
Mage's magnificent mansion
Plant shape III
Polymorph, greater
Restoration, greater
Spell turning
Summon monster VII
8th level protector spells
Animal shapes
Clenched fist
Cloak of chaos
Cure critical wounds, mass
Form of the dragon III
Giant Form II
Holy aura
Iron Body
Mind blank
Moment of prescience
Polymorph any object
Protection from spells
Shield of law
Spell immunity, greater
Summon monster VIII
Unholy aura
9th level protector spells
Crushing hand
Elemental swarm
Heal, Mass
Mage's disjunction
Prismatic sphere
Summon monster IX
Time stop
True resurrection
Extra Enhancements
Prerequisites: Enhance Movement class feature
Benefit: You can Enhance Movement an extra 2 times per day.
Special: You can gain Extra Enhancements multiple times. its effects stack.
Extra battleground points
Prerequisites: Battleground specialization class feature
Benefit: Your battleground points pool increases by 4.
Special: You can gain Extra battleground points multiple times. Its effects stack.
Extra Trick
prerequisites: Combatlink class feature, protector level 11+
Benefit: You gain a new Combatlink trick.
Special: You can gain extra Trick multiple times. Its effects stack.
Extra Commands Charges
prerequisites: Command class feature
Benefit: You gain two more Command Charges per day.
Special. You can gain Extra Command Charges multiple times. Its effects stack.
New specialization
Prerequisites: Battleground specialization class feature
Benefit: Pick a battleground specialization other than your first one. You gain the next power in it's tree. If you do not have any of the powers in that battleground specialization, you gain the first power. You must follow the strictures of any specialization you learn.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, you gain a new power from a battleground specialization you have or the first power of one you do not.
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